Services offered
HCBS - Home and Community Based Services Waiver
CES - Children's Extensive Support Waiver
SLS - Supported Living Services Waiver

A range of assistance to enable participants to accomplish tasks that they would normally do for themselves (i.e. hygiene, bathing, eating, dressing, grooming, bowel and bladder care, menstrual care, transferring, money management, grocery shopping), if they did not have a developmental disability.
This assistance may take the form of hands-on assistance (actually performing a task for the person) or cuing to prompt the participant to perform a task. Personal Care services may be provided on an episodic, emergency or on a continuing basis. When Personal Care and health-related services are needed, they may be covered to the extent the Medicaid State Plan, Third Party Resource or another waiver service is not responsible.
Respite services provided on a short-term basis due to the absence or need for relief to those persons who normally provide care for the participant. Respite may be provided in the participant’s home/private place of residence or the private residence of a respite care provider.
Federal financial participation is not available for the cost of room and board except when provided as part of respite care furnished in a facility approved by the State that is not a private residence. Respite services shall be billed according to a unit rate or daily rate whichever is less.

Service provided to participants to promote self-advocacy through methods such as instructing, providing experiences, modeling and advising. This service includes assistance in interviewing potential providers, understanding complicated health and safety issues, and assistance with participation on private and public boards, advisory groups and commissions.
This service may also include training in child and infant care for parent(s) who themselves have a developmental disability. This service does not duplicate case management or waiver services such as Day Habilitation.
Community Connector
Community Connector (CES)$37 PER HOUR
Supported Community Connector (SLS) Based on Support LVL
Supports the abilities and skills necessary to enable the individual to access typical activities and functions of community life such as those chosen by the general population. Community Connector provides a wide variety of opportunities to facilitate and build relationships and natural supports in the community while utilizing the community as a learning environment to provide services and supports as identified in the participant's service plan. These activities are conducted in a variety of settings in which participants interact with non-disabled individuals (other than those individuals who are providing services to the participant).
These types of services may include socialization, adaptive skills, personnel to accompany and support the individual in community settings, and resources necessary for participation in activities and supplies related to skill acquisition, retention, or improvement. Community Connector is provided on a one-to-one basis as a learning environment to provide instruction when identified in the Service Plan
Basic Homemaker Services - consist of the performance of basic household tasks within the participant’s primary residence (i.e., cleaning, laundry, or household care) including maintenance which are related to the participant’s disability and provided by a qualified homemaker, when the parent or primary caretaker is unable to manage the home and care for the participant in the home.
This assistance must be due to the participant’s disability that results in additional household tasks and increases the parent/caregiver’s ability to provide care needed by the participant. This assistance may take the form of hands-on assistance (actually performing a task for the participant) or cuing to prompt the participant to perform a task.
Enhanced Homemaker Services - consist of the same household tasks as described under Basic Homemaker services with the addition of either habilitation or extraordinary cleaning provided by a qualified homemaker. Habilitation includes direct training and instruction to the participant, which is more than basic cuing to prompt the participant to perform a task. Habilitation shall include a training program with specific objectives and anticipated outcomes. There may be some amount of incidental basic homemaker services that is provided in combination with enhanced homemaker services, however, the primary intent must be to provide habilitative services to increase independence of the participant.
Habilitation may include some hands-on assistance (actually performing a task for the participant) or cuing to prompt the participant to perform a task, only when such support is incidental to the habilitative services being provided, and the primary duties must be to provide habilitative services to increase independence of the participant. Enhanced Homemaker services also include the need for extraordinary cleaning as a result of the participant’s behavioral or medical needs.